University Libraries

The 2024-2026 TLT faculty fellows are, from top left, Kyle Chalupczynski, Samantha Beebe; Andjela Kaur, Mariah Kupfner and Tiffany Petricini.

Teaching and Learning with Technology announces 2024-2026 Faculty Fellows cohort

Penn State’s Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT), part of Penn State University Libraries, has welcomed five University instructors across three campuses into its Faculty Fellows cohort for 2024-26 and started collaborating on a new collection of projects. Faculty chosen for the Faculty Fellows program team up with TLT on innovative technology projects, with past endeavors spanning a broad spectrum from learning spaces to virtual reality/immersive experiences to data-empowered learning.
Penn State University Libraries’ Teaching and Learning with Technology is working with faculty as part of the 2024 Faculty Engagement Awards focusing on the theme of “Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Teaching.”

2024 TLT Faculty Engagement Award recipients named, focused on AI for teaching

Penn State University Libraries’ Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) has named 13 recipients of the 2024 Faculty Engagement Award with this year’s theme of “Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Teaching.” Recipients will collaborate with TLT staff to identify potential uses, constraints and best practices for using generative AI for teaching purposes. Faculty will utilize available generative AI tools including Microsoft Copilot and Adobe Firefly to assist in content creation, course planning and content delivery.
Symposium Lite image

TLT to host Virtual Symposium Lite to complement the 2024 TLT Symposium

Penn State Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) has announced that its virtual Symposium Lite will return on March 28, the week after the in-person TLT Symposium. The half-day event will feature four 30-minute, prerecorded presentations followed by 15-minute, live facilitated discussions with presenters.